Who am I?
Passionate Linux user since 1998 working as a Software Engineer since 2006. Mainly interested in Open Source Software and the development of Web browsers and Linux-based Operating Systems.
Co-owner of Igalia, where I currently work c
Additionally, I’m a member of the GNOME Foundation and the lead developer of a simple -yet powerful- flickr uploader for the GNOME desktop called frogr, which I work on in my spare time.
You can find more details in the Work and Talks sections in this website, as well as in my profile at LinkedIn.
Besides work related stuff, I love spending my time with family and friends, travelling, listening to music and taking pictures.
You can find me in different places out there in the Internet:
Also, you can contact me by e-mail dropping me a line at mario [AT] this domain name [DOT] org.
My GnuPG Public Key: 9A98 AEBB 7E25 0E76 54CD 627A 1AB7 1886 930A 0CF6
(not to mistake with the fake GPG Key from Evil 32, with a different ID. More info on LWN)