
Here you’ll find the material for some of the talks & lectures I delivered:


Building end-user applications on embedded devices with WPE
Embedded Open Source Summit. April the 18th – Seattle, Washington (USA)
See the presentation online


Igalia and WebKit: Status update and plans
WebKit Contributors Meeting 2023. October the 24th – Cupertino, California (USA)
See the presentation online
Add the power of the Web to your embedded devices with WPE WebKit
Embedded Recipes 2023. September the 29th – Paris (France)
See the presentation online (PDF version)
How Igalia is Driving Innovation in Embedded Systems with Open Source Technologies
Embedded Open Source Summit. June the 28th – Prague (Czech Republic)
See the presentation online (PDF version)


Contributions to an open source project: Igalia and the Chromium project
ICSE 21. May the 26th – Online conference
See the presentation online


Summary of Igalia’s contributions to Chromium in the past year
BlinkOn 13. November the 18th – Online conference
See the presentation online


Improving Chromium’s code health: Onion Soup and beyond
BlinkOn 11. November the 14th – Sunnyvale (California)
See the presentation online
Summary of Igalia’s contributions to Chromium in the past year
BlinkOn 10. April the 10th – Toronto (Canada)
See the presentation online


The Future of Linux Application Distribution: OSTree, Flatpak & GNOME Software
Samsung Research UK. March the 16th – Staines upon Thames (United Kingdom)
See the presentation online


SRUK’s WebKit team: Taking WebKitGTK+ to the big screen
WebKitGTK+ Hackfest. December the 10th – A Coruña (Spain)
See the presentation online
Git: the stupid content tracker
Samsung Research UK. September the 11th – Staines upon Thames (United Kingdom)
See the presentation online


Presentation about Igalia and its work on WebKit
European WebKit Hackathon 2012. September the 20th – Bucharest (Romania)
See the presentation online
WebKitGTK+: Current status and roadmap
GUADEC 2012. July the 26th – A Coruña (Spain)
See the presentation online (resize your browser to a a 4:3 ratio first)
WebKitGTK+: Status and roadmap to WebKit2
FOSDEM 2012. March the 5th – Brussels (Belgium)
See the presentation online (resize your browser to a a 4:3 ratio first)


Control de versiones con git: más allá del commit
Xornadas Libres GPUL 2011. March the 28th – A Coruña (Spain)
See the presentation online


WebKit & GNOME: I want to believe!
GUADEC-ES 2010. July the 23th – A Coruña (Spain)
See the presentation online
Git it done! Introduction to version control with git
GUADEC-ES 2010. July the 22th – A Coruña (Spain)
See the presentation online


Desarrollando un “status bar plugin” para maemo: un ejemplo con Vagalume
GUADEC-ES 2008. July the 3rd – Fuenlabrada (Spain)
See the presentation online
Vagalume y Modest: dos ejemplos de aplicaciones para Maemo
VIII Jornadas de Software Libre de GPUL 2008. April the 17th – A Coruña (Spain)
See the presentation online


Realizando pruebas de carga con Tsung
Private talk at the University. October the 30th – A Coruña (Spain)
See the presentation online