Some updates on frogr 0.4 and myself

Too many things have happened to me during the last weeks (some good and some bad, as usual), but I still have found some time to continue improving frogr towards the 0.4 release, which I hope it’s gonna be, at least thinking of my very particular use cases, a very complete and functional release. Still, the UI won’t be great (I’d really need help with this), I know that… but I said “complete and functional”, right? I do not remember having mentioned “beautiful”, “eye candy”, or the like… that’s a matter, though, I’ll probably consider for following releases, but not for now.

The point of this post is that I declared yesterday the official start of the feature & string freeze phase for frogr, which basically means that what you can find in the NEWS file is exactly what you’ll find in the next release (which should happen in 2-3 weeks time), and that the awesome people in the GNOME translations teams can now work on adding new translations, or just updating the ones already present in the Damnes Lies platform, without having to worry about the strings changing again before the release.

Another thing I’d like to publicly say here and now, and which you might have already noticed from the previous paragraph, is that this release is gonna be the first one after having moved frogr to the GNOME infrastructure, which basically means that its previous site and mailing lists at Google Code, as well as the old repository at gitorious, are now deprecated in favour of, GNOME’s bugzilla and GNOME’s git repository. And this, at least in my very personal opinion, is really great news for frogr, and I’m really happy about it.

Other than that, but related, last week I’ve finally decided to apply for the GNOME Foundation, and got accepted, which was also great news for me, since it was something already in the back of my mind for some time, and I guess I just needed a ‘trigger’ for daring to apply for it… and moving frogr to GNOME, together with all the a11y related work I’ve been doing during the past months in WebKitGTK+, as part of the WebKit team at Igalia, were actually good ‘triggers’ for that.

So a big ‘thank you’ to all who helped making all that possible, specially to Claudio Saavedra for encouraging for doing this moves, and to Christer Edwards, who kindly attended all my continuous requests to perform all the related tasks in record time.

By the way, as Claudio and some other workmates, I’ll be attending to FOSDEM once again this year thanks to the support from Igalia, where I’m starting to have a hard time sometimes to explain that the Beer Event has nothing to do with me willing to go every year :-).

Anyway, apart from hanging around the venue, I’ll also be giving a talk about a11y in WebKitGTK+ in the accessibility devroom on Sunday, so that makes another pretty good reason for me to go this year. So, you see? It’s not only about beer!

Update [05/02/2011]: At the end, and due to unexpected and very important personal matters, I was finally not able to attend FOSDEM. Hopefully I’ll be able to go next year, but as for now I’d like to wish all the attendants of the 2011 edition have a great time there and enjoy this awesome meeting, which is one of my favorite ones every year.

3 thoughts on “Some updates on frogr 0.4 and myself

  1. Pingback: Some updates on frogr 0.4 and myselfSmile |

  2. Pingback: ”I am alive” update + going to FOSDEM « root'ing the net

  3. Pingback: Smile » Blog Archive » Frogr 0.4 is out!

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