Category Archives: WebKit

WebKit Contributors Meeting, sockets & plugs

Published / by mario / 1 Comment on WebKit Contributors Meeting, sockets & plugs

Last week some of the members of the Igalia WebKit team,  attended to the second edition of the WebKit Contributors Meeting in Cupertino, California, in order to gather round with other WebKit contributors to discuss and work around our favorite web engine, away from IRC and with a more personal and “human” touch.

WebKit Contributors Meeting '11 - group photo

As for me, it was the first time I attended this unconference and I have to say it was a great experience overall, even if accessibility (the field I usually work on through the GTK port of WebKit) was not precisely a hot topic there. But in the other hand, I managed to put some faces to people I just knew from IRC, attended to several interesting discussions and sessions, did some actual work ™ and met Chris Fleizach, the guy from Apple involved in accessibility for the Mac port, who attended the meeting on Tuesday morning and discussed with me some interesting topics, mainly about the implementation of the accessibility support in the Mac port of WebKit2.

For those of you that are not up to date with what WebKit2 means and what’s the current state of the whole thing, I’d recommend you to take a look to the WebKit2 wiki, although I can already advance you that one of the main features (if not the main one) of WebKit2 is the new multi-process architecture, which will go bundled right along with the engine, instead of doing the split in the final application, like Google Chrome does now with WebKit1 (see the wiki for more details, and some nice diagrams too, like the following one).

WebKit2 multi-process architecture

The problem however, from the accessibility point of view, is how to expose such a new architecture to Assistive Technologies (ATs) while, at the same time, having those ATs seeing just one process (the UI process), regardless of the different processes that would be running on each of the tabs (the Web proceses). In other words, how to “hide” to the ATs that they are extracting accessibility related information from a multi-process based browser, so they still keep the illusion of having only one application exposing accessibility objects, as it used to be so far.

Talking to Chris about how they implemented this in the Mac port, he told me they basically needed to make up a way to transparently connect the UI process and the Web Process, so navigation between the root accessibility object in the Web Process and the “leaf” accessibility object in the UI process were done in a seamless way, through a mechanism that would basically allow bidirectional communication in the same way it used to be when there was just one process running. This makes a lot of sense, if you ask me, since you “just” (saying it as if it were not a complex task, even though it actually is) add this mechanism to WebKit2 accessibility code and you’ll automagically get your ATs working as they used to work, without any other changes needed from their side.

However, when it comes to ATK/AT-SPI, which is what we currently use in GNOME to expose accessible objects from applications to ATs, it looks like such a mechanism (or something pretty similar) is already available by means of the AtkSocket and the AtkPlug classes, both subclasses of AtkObject, which basically act as a bridge that allows to connect two AtkObject‘s so the children of one of those (the Plug) are exposed as children of the other one (the Socket), no matter they’re in the same process or in different ones. And this, unless I’m missing something, is exactly what we’d need in WebKit2, probably along with some other things and tweaks that I just can’t think of at this moment. But at least is definitely a very good start point, IMHO.

But… how to communicate those sockets and plugs if they are in different processes? You might be wondering… Well, if you are using the D-Bus implementation of AT-SPI, also known as AT-SPI2, the needed bits for that (the implementation for the atk_socket_embed() and atk_plug_get_id() functions) are already implemented by the ATK bridge (at-spi2-atk), so the only thing you’ll need to do is to provide the remaining implementation of the AtkSocket and AtkPlug classes, register those new AtkObject‘s as the right accessible objects for your widgets (or whatever your “normal” objects are) and to use the ID that at-spi2-atk provides for the AtkPlug object to connect from the AtkSocket object… and you’re done.

However, I have to say that the documentation I’ve found so far about AtkSocket and AtkPlug is not precisely very detailed, so I basically ended up looking directly at the code and trying to write myself a small example to better understand things. And at this point, I asked in the #a11y channel in GIMPNet and it was Mike Gorse who kindly handed me out a nice tarball with an example they had written in C#, which was exactly what I was looking for. Yay! Thanks, Mike!

However, I’d be more interested in a plain C, GObject based, implementation of that example which would serve me both to better understand how it works and to use it as the base for further tests in WebKitGTK, so I went ahead and wrote it, and this is how the results look now, as seen through Accerciser‘s eyes:

AtkSocket / AtkPlug example in action

As you can see, there are two processes running, ta-socket and ta-plug, and in ta-socket we have an AtkObject named “The Socket” which is exposing, as his only child, the whole subtree present in the other process ta-plug, starting in another AtkObject named “The Plug”… which is exactly, although of course at a much smaller dimension, what I think we would like to see happening in the accessibility tree of any WebKitGTK based application in the future, once that WebKit2 is mature enough to replace WebKit1.

Obviously, this shouldn’t be taken as a “we’re done with WebKitGTK/WebKit2 when it comes to a11y” comment or the like. Actually this is just the beginning of the whole thing… But I think, or at least I would like to think, that is at least a good start point :-).

And before you shoot… “yes”, I’m already planning to help improve the ATK documentation in this regard with the knowledge I acquired while working on this examples, even perhaps next week during the ATK/AT-SPI hackfest (it’s actually one of the proposed tasks) I’ll be attending here in Coruña, at the Igalia offices.

By the way, feel free to grab the source for this example from its git respository at gitorious:

git clone

Some updates on frogr 0.4 and myself

Published / by mario / 3 Comments on Some updates on frogr 0.4 and myself

Too many things have happened to me during the last weeks (some good and some bad, as usual), but I still have found some time to continue improving frogr towards the 0.4 release, which I hope it’s gonna be, at least thinking of my very particular use cases, a very complete and functional release. Still, the UI won’t be great (I’d really need help with this), I know that… but I said “complete and functional”, right? I do not remember having mentioned “beautiful”, “eye candy”, or the like… that’s a matter, though, I’ll probably consider for following releases, but not for now.

The point of this post is that I declared yesterday the official start of the feature & string freeze phase for frogr, which basically means that what you can find in the NEWS file is exactly what you’ll find in the next release (which should happen in 2-3 weeks time), and that the awesome people in the GNOME translations teams can now work on adding new translations, or just updating the ones already present in the Damnes Lies platform, without having to worry about the strings changing again before the release.

Another thing I’d like to publicly say here and now, and which you might have already noticed from the previous paragraph, is that this release is gonna be the first one after having moved frogr to the GNOME infrastructure, which basically means that its previous site and mailing lists at Google Code, as well as the old repository at gitorious, are now deprecated in favour of, GNOME’s bugzilla and GNOME’s git repository. And this, at least in my very personal opinion, is really great news for frogr, and I’m really happy about it.

Other than that, but related, last week I’ve finally decided to apply for the GNOME Foundation, and got accepted, which was also great news for me, since it was something already in the back of my mind for some time, and I guess I just needed a ‘trigger’ for daring to apply for it… and moving frogr to GNOME, together with all the a11y related work I’ve been doing during the past months in WebKitGTK+, as part of the WebKit team at Igalia, were actually good ‘triggers’ for that.

So a big ‘thank you’ to all who helped making all that possible, specially to Claudio Saavedra for encouraging for doing this moves, and to Christer Edwards, who kindly attended all my continuous requests to perform all the related tasks in record time.

By the way, as Claudio and some other workmates, I’ll be attending to FOSDEM once again this year thanks to the support from Igalia, where I’m starting to have a hard time sometimes to explain that the Beer Event has nothing to do with me willing to go every year :-).

Anyway, apart from hanging around the venue, I’ll also be giving a talk about a11y in WebKitGTK+ in the accessibility devroom on Sunday, so that makes another pretty good reason for me to go this year. So, you see? It’s not only about beer!

Update [05/02/2011]: At the end, and due to unexpected and very important personal matters, I was finally not able to attend FOSDEM. Hopefully I’ll be able to go next year, but as for now I’d like to wish all the attendants of the 2011 edition have a great time there and enjoy this awesome meeting, which is one of my favorite ones every year.

WebKitGTK+ hackfest 2010

Published / by mario / 8 Comments on WebKitGTK+ hackfest 2010

After the daily reports written by Diego in his blog, few more things can be told about the WebKitGTK+ hackfest hosted at the Igalia offices last week, but I’d like to comment anyway some impressions from my personal point of view, if you don’t mind reading them.

First of all, this was the second time I attended to this hackfest (I “kind of” attended last year hackfest as well) but now things were pretty different for me, basically because one year ago I was not part of the Igalia WebKit team yet, hence my contributions in the hackfest were pretty small (see my post back then for more details). However, this time I attended full-time to the event and I must say I’m really proud of the work I’ve been doing right there, which I hope will eventually lead to the resolution of this WebKit metabug, which was about fixing bugs blocking ORCA support from WebKitGTK based applications.

But fortunately, the work I’ve been doing during the last week was just a pretty small and humble contribution compared to all the work that has been done by the rest of the people attending to the hackfest, like fixing GTK3 and GObject Introspection issues, fully integrating in libsoup all the new cache stuff written for WebKitGTK (which eventually lead to removing the equivalent code from WebKitGTK, as my mate Sergio told some weeks ago, as soon as some bots upgrade to the latest version of libsoup), adding support for profiling in JavascriptCore, implementing some missing and advanced features into the DumRenderTree (aka DRT, the so beloved tool for writing functional tests), fixing spell-checking support… and bugfixing in general (as well as, most likely, lots of other things I’m failing to recall right now). You can read Diego’s blog for more details on those.

Other than that, there was also time for working in Epiphany were some notorious fixes and improvements also happened. Those I can remember right now are the new error pages for epiphany, the implementation of a certificates viewer and new font preferences, getting rid of GConf in epiphany-extensions and general bugfixing tasks. As you can easily understand, as the devoted and committed Epiphany user that I am, I’m pretty excited with these improvements as well. Not needed to say anything about this patch committed at the beginning of the hackfest, I guess, in my opinion this is one of those cases where a picture is clearly worth a thousand words:-)

hackfest mooded epiphany

So, as you can see it was a quite productive week after all here in Coruña!

Last but not least, I’d like to specially thank The GNOME Foundation for sponsoring the event, as well as Igalia and Collabora for helping make this possible once again. Hope we can repeat it next year, and that more people will join the event to help making WebKitGTK an even better web engine for the GNOME platform.

See pictures of the hackfest here:

Watching the WebKit buildbots from your Android phone

Published / by mario / 7 Comments on Watching the WebKit buildbots from your Android phone

WebKit Watcher screenshotThis is a short post just to let the world know about my last pet-project, which I managed to name, after several hours struggling, WebKit Watcher.

WebKit Watchers is a really simple and minimalistic application that allows you to easily monitorize the status of the WebKit buildbots as you would do it through, but from your Android powered device.

It currently works as follows:

  • Supports watching the core builders only (as in this url)
  • Browse extra details about a builder/build/SVN commit through the browser
  • Requires manual refreshing (this is actually a feature to save battery :P)
  • Provides an ugly logo (could be uglier, though)

As I said, a really simple application that I wrote as part of my weekly hackfest time here at Igalia to satisfy my curiosity about trying out the Android SDK now I got a new phone while, at the same time, scratching an itch I had.

Next steps for following versions would probably go through adding some kind of support for periodical checks and notifications when some buildbots are red, adding support for non-core builders (while allowing the user to filter them out anyway, in case he/she wouldn’t be interested in those), and things like that…

By the way, I’m open to suggestions (and patches too), after all it was licensed as a Free Software project you can grab through several ways:

That’s all so far. Hope some of you will fint it useful too.

Wrapping up the GNOME a11y hackfest

Published / by mario / 1 Comment on Wrapping up the GNOME a11y hackfest

As I told in my previous post, I’ve spent the last week in Seville attending the GNOME Accessibility Hackfest, which was an amazing experience to me, so I guess now it’s time to talk about some (mostly personal and subjective) conclusions.

First of all, let’s repeat this was the first time I attended an a11y related hackfest, and from that point of view the experience was even better and more rewarding than what I’d expected. Meeting other a11y developers in real life and putting faces to them, along with being able to check the real needs that people demand from assistive technologies was an awesome experience, and way richer than just having a list of bugs in need of getting fixed.

Up to this point, I can say that one of the best things I extracted from the hackfest is that I’ve learned, with real-life living examples, why implementing certain kind of stuff in the WebKitGTK port is so important for people with diverse kind of impairements, and even learned to prioritize and value different a11y related issues so I could make the most of my work to be more effective when helping, with my humble 2 cents in my daily work, to make the next release of GNOME a good one also from the point of view of accessibility. Obviously, there’s still a long road ahead to keep learning and improving, but I think this is a good achievement anyway, if you ask me.

Other than that, together with Joanmarie Diggs, we managed to move some important things forward related to the integration of WebKitGTK based applications and the ORCA screen reader, so now the “ORCA experience” with the web is clearly better compared to how it was some months ago (or at least that’s what Joanmarie says, and I trust her). In this regard, I feel specially proud of the advancements we’ve been doing with the implementation of the AtkHypertext/AtkHyperlink related stuff, which makes the experience of “screen reading” a web page way better and more complete than how it would be without that feature. And I mention this stuff here, because that’s precisely what I’ve been working on most of the time during the hackfest and  because, even though it’s still a provisional patch pending on some final tweaks to be proposed for review, I hope it will be soon integrated in WebKitGTK…. (you know, ‘hope’ is a so beautiful word… but I feel somehow confident with this stuff, “let’s hope I’m right” :-)).

So, as you can see I have reasons to be very happy about the results of the hackfest, even if we all were somehow jinxed because one reason or another, and the overall result of all this stuff is that I clearly felt a boost in my motivation to keep working on this stuff and to keep helping to improve the overall status of the accessibility from my beloved WebKit world… which is not that bad, IMHO.

My birthday cake coming from the GNOME a11y team, by Juanje OjedaLast but not least, I have to say there was room as well for having a lot of fun (“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”) with my mates from the GNOME accessibility team, who even had prepared a surprise for me in the shape of a cake to celebrate my birthday (see the picture below, by Juanje Ojeda).

Thank you guys! It was a really really nice experience! Let’s repeat it soon in the future… but as for now, let’s get back to work!

Attending to the GNOME a11y hackfest

Published / by mario / 2 Comments on Attending to the GNOME a11y hackfest

As my mate Alejandro said back in June, next week the 1st AEGIS international conference will take place in Seville, Spain, and there I’ll be attending, together with him, the GNOME Accessibility Hackfest that is planned to happen there as a parallel event to the conference (see AEGIS web page or GNOME live wiki, for more details).

As for me, this is the first time I attend to an a11y-related hackfest and I must said I’m quite excited about it, as been there should be the perfect scenario to work hard on moving things forward related to a11y support in the WebKitGTK platform, which has been what I’ve been working on most of the time during the last months here in Igalia, as part of our WebKit team.

On top of that, this is also going for me the first time I’ll meet in real life some people I usually work with in a regular basis since I started working on a11y-related stuff in WebKitGTK, such as the always helpful Joanmarie Diggs, who patiently answers all my doubts about those bugs blocking ORCA support, for instance.

Because of all this, I have great expectations about this hackfest, both as a personal experience (from the most selfish point of view you can imagine) and as a great boost to all the work being currently done to improve GNOME as an accessible platform towards the GNOME 3.0 release.

Can’t wait!

Calentando motores para la GUADEC-ES

Published / by mario / 1 Comment on Calentando motores para la GUADEC-ES

Con motivo de la celebración de la VII GUADEC Hispana (o GUADEC-ES) una invasión de GNOME hackers y allegados invadirán tierras coruñesas durante toda la semana que viene, y esta vez no estará María Pita para defender la ciudad, por lo que si todo transcurre como debería, y no hay nubes de ceniza ni cosas por el estilo, la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad de A Coruña acogerá durante dos días 19 ponencias/talleres sobre temas diversos relacionados con GNOME, como comentó Chema en su blog recientemente.

La conferencia será un evento “de amplio espectro”, donde tienen cabida tanto aquellas personas ya involucradas en la comunidad GNOME desde hace tiempo, como aquellos otros perfiles menos iniciados que quieran iniciarse o simplemente conocer más acerca de esta comunidad, tanto a nivel de usuario como de desarrollador, ya que habrá ponencias de todos los gustos, niveles y formas.

Por mi parte, y por lo que parece leyendo el programa de la conferencia, me tocará dar dos charlas en las mañana del Jueves y el Viernes acerca de dos temas que ocupan desde hace unos meses mi día a día en Igalia:

  • WebKit (desde el punto de vista de GNOME), proyecto en el cual trabajo actualmente intentando mejorar el estado de la accesibilidad en su port para GTK+ (WebKitGTK+), aunque el ámbito de la charla no será restringido a ese aspecto exclusivamente, sino a dar una visión global del estado del arte, últimas mejoras realizadas y una perspectiva del futuro de la plataforma
  • git, el sistema de control de versiones distribuido que uso actualmente y que, al menos en mi opinion (y diría que no estoy sólo), es uno de los mejores DVCS hoy en día. La charla-taller estará enfocada a aquellas personas interesadas en empezar a usar git o, al menos, en conocer en que consiste y que se puede hacer con este sistema. No será una charla avanzada pero se asumirán conocimientos básicos de otros VCS no distribuidos, como CVS o Subversion.

Y nada más creo… simplemente decir que nos vemos la semana que viene y que estoy deseando que empiece ya la conferencia, a pesar de que no voy a poder asistir a todas las ponencias (al menos a las de la tarde) por tener que atender mis nuevas obligaciones… aunque “sarna con gusto no pica”, no?

Aunque quien sabe… quizás aún así me pasaré por la tarde de visita con un GNOME hacker muy especial :-)

Nos vemos!

Trying latest epiphany/WebKit in Ubuntu

Published / by mario / 16 Comments on Trying latest epiphany/WebKit in Ubuntu

Even though I’ll be stating the obvious for so many ubuntu users/developers reading this post, I’d like to post a quick recipe for those who don’t know how to easily install the latest version of epiphany with the WebKit backend, as well as all the needed dependencies, without having to mess with compiling the source code (which is not always an easy nor a quick task, by the way).

So here we go

  1. First of all, this only works for Ubuntu Jaunty or Karmic, since there are no PPAs available for previous distros to install Epiphany (WebKit PPAs provided since Hardy).
  2. Add the PPA’s from the WebKit Team both for installing latest version of WebKit and Epiphany. So, that is, add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.listfile (replace ‘karmic’ with ‘jaunty’ if needed):
    deb karmic main
    deb-src karmic main 
    deb karmic main
    deb-src karmic main
  3. Import the GPG key of the repo in APT:
    sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 2D9A3C5B
  4. Update APT packages cache:
    sudo apt-get update
  5. Install the needed packages:
    sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser epiphany-browser-dataepiphany-extensions
  6. Just wait and let APT to do its magic :-)

And that’s all. After those simple steps you should be enjoying the last version of  this great and amazingly fast browser (2.29.6 at the time of writing this post), which is nowadays under heavy development, continuously getting better, better and even better on its roadmap towards GNOME 2.30.

So, what are you waiting for? Just go ahead and give it a try if you haven’t done it yet and make it your default browser ;-). Now you don’t have to manually compile all the needed stuff you just don’t have any good excuse not to do it.

And don’t forget to report any issue you find in the bugzilla. Remember feedback (and patches, of course) is the best way to help with improving it even more!

Ah! by the way, almost forgot to say that…

I’m attending FOSDEM

…as another member of the Igalia gang hanging around there this weekend.

See you there guys!

[Update 2010/01/04] As commented by zerwas, there’s an even easier way from Karmic on:

  1. Add the PPA’s from the WebKit Team both for installing latest version of WebKit and Epiphany:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webkit-team/ppa
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webkit-team/epiphany
  2. Update APT packages cache:
    sudo apt-get update
  3. Install the needed packages:
    sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser epiphany-browser-dataepiphany-extensions

WebKitGTK+ Hackfest is over

Published / by mario / 8 Comments on WebKitGTK+ Hackfest is over

I’m writing this post from the Igalia office on Sunday at 23:00 pm and no… I’m not crazy nor I was expulsed from home or something like that. It’s just that today is the last day of the WebKitGTK+ hackfest and, although  was not officially an attendant to the hackfest (see, I don’t regret to have joined yesterday, since it was a quite productive and interesting experience, and hopefully quite productive as well for the projects that most of the people here were working on during the whole week.

To be honest, in my case there’s not much stuff to to talk about but just a couple of patches for libsoup, epiphany and WebKit that I was working on (some of them already got in), but I can assure you guys that the rest of the people (I mean, the “official” attendants) didn’t stop working even for a second during these days, getting awesome results, if you ask me (although of course they also found some time for relaxing going out for a walk, or even playing the Wii here in the office):

Martin and Xan

Martin and Xan, with the blackboard behind (and some results already visible)

And that’s all folks, now I’d better go home to have a (deserved) rest since tomorrow I’ll still have to wake up early in the morning and to make the most of my first day of holidays (yes!!!).

See you guys and hope next year we can repeat this experience (and I hope next time I’ll be able to join full time, also). Just a last picture to finish this post…

WebKitGTK+ Hackfest 2009

WebKitGTK+ Hackfest 2009